The Board of Directors conducts regular meetings at 10:00 a.m. in January, April, June and October. The meetings are held at the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, located at 4985 Broder Boulevard, Dublin, California. Occasionally, meetings are canceled or special meetings called, as necessary. All Board meetings are open to the general public, and your comments are always welcome.
The Finance Committee conducts regular meetings at 11:00 a.m. on the first Friday of each month at the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, located at 4985 Broder Boulevard, Dublin, California. Occasionally, meetings are canceled or special meetings called, as necessary. All committee meetings are open to the general public, and your commen s are always welcome.
The Operations Committee conducts public meetings at 9:30 a.m. on the first Friday of each month at the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, located at 4985 Broder Boulevard, in Dublin, California. Occasionally, meetings are canceled or special meetings called, as necessary. All committee meetings are open to the general public, and your comments are always welcome.
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) conducts public meetings on a periodic basis at the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, located at 4985 Broder Boulevard, in Dublin, California. Occasionally, meetings are held at alternate locations, as necessary. The meeting agendas will be posted on the web site at least 72 hours in advance of the meetings. All TAC meetings are open to the general public, and your comments are always welcome.